Dying to Dye
Ice dyeing became a new passion about a year ago. I learned it during a brief workshop with my Creative Endeavors group, and I loved how unpredictable the outcome was. The powdered colors bleed through ice creating Monet-type patterns on silk and other natural fibers. The process takes at least two days. First, all the fabric needs to be washed in a specific detergent--I use Synthrapol--to release all the oils and dirt from the material. Then everything is soaked in soda ash, sodium carbonate, which allows the dye to permanently adhere to the material. Cotton can be soaked longer; silk and rayon can break down in the soda ash, so keeping it timed for about 30 minutes is important. While these are soaking, I set up 6-8 tubs and lay out which colors I want for each. Once it soaks and is squeezed of excess liquid, it's laid in a tub on something that keeps it off the bottom of the tub, like a cookie rack. I have used aluminum baki...