Setting a Record--Two Posts in One Morning!

 I started to respond to Laura's comment on my blog about Bad Art Night being one of the very best things that happened this past year, but decided I should write about it in the blog and post so more people can hear about it.
 We meet twice a month on a Friday night and bring whatever type of art we want to work on and explore.  The beauty of BAN is we can experiment without expectations and desires of perfection.  I've loved seeing what people bring and how they challenge themselves.  We've seen photographers try painting and non-artists try water color and several other art forms.  I watched fascinated as Beverly used wire cutters on coat hangers to create a new form, Laura and Kristine and others worked on transfers from digital photos, Nancy taught us all how to make 'squishies' with acrylic paints and glossy paper, and I started inheriting everyone's cigar boxes to decoupage and cover with buttons and beads to transform them into treasure boxes.  I even made bad art jewelry one night, though it only proved beauty is in the eye of the beholder because many women picked up the necklace at open studios and looked at it with fascination.  It didn't sell, but I think it came close.  
  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has grown artistically in both my thinking and my interest in creative expression from attending these nights.  We've formed a great camaraderie and many new friendships in our shared experiences with art.
  I highly encourage others to try this with friends and let it grow.   Here's a link to help get you started:


  1. Thank you for sharing your experiences with Bad Art Night. My intention in 2012 is for there to be more BAN out there in the world.


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