New Mac; New Learning Curve

I decided to practice on the new IMac I got this week since I have always been an avid PC user since the 80's.  I've already locked myself out of the computer once and frozen the's a lesson on patience.   Not my strong suit.  I know I can't add pictures today to the blog since I have no idea how to do that...  but I do have my first one-on-one class next week, so maybe I'll feel more comfortable and know how to do more by then.  I'm going to keep a notebook of questions to ask.
Shows are over for this season, which is great.  I like doing them, but it's so much work to get ready--create enough things to show, plan displays, set up and take down--that I'm always glad when they're behind me. I did have a good time and enjoyed showing my new jewelry and textiles.  This was a good year for fingerless gloves, felted hats, and handmade flowers.
Hey Check it out....I just added a photo to my blog with my IMac!  I'm so easily impressed with myself.  It's always the little things that make the day go better.  
 I was just happy I could find my photos on the new computer.  The Apple guys transferred docs and pics from the PC to the Mac and I can find the docs, but haven't yet figured out how to open them.  
I do love my new keypad so maybe it will inspire me to blog more.  I told a friend I'd try not to become MACavellian or a MACabee...I've never been one to join cults.  But no promises....


  1. You will never look back to your PC days, and I don't mean politically correct! My Mac tip for the day - always attempt to drag and drop. It works 90% of the time on a Mac. And let me know if you want any demos. I love love love my Mac. Welcome to the fmaily, ahem, cult.

  2. Oh, if only I understood what 'drag and drop' means.....


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