Last Post of This Forgettable Year

 I'm sure many people are writing their end of the year blogs today...and I hate doing what everyone else does, but I'm doing it anyway.  When things are on my mind, I feel compelled...
 A year ago I said this was going to be a good year--11 is a favorite and a lucky number.  I might have to chose another favorite.  This year sucked for many people.   I've seen friends lose houses and businesses, and everyone's finances took a nose dive again.  I have high hopes for 2012.  Things have to change.
 Every year I write down a few things I'd like to bring into my life for the new year.  I've done this since the early 90's and I don't read it again till the next year.   Sometimes it's only a word; sometimes it's a phrase.  I can't say it works well--I'm still writing annually about some things I've wanted to change that still haven't, but I'll write it again tonight.  Maybe I should try reading and focusing on those topics monthly this year and see if it brings about anything new.   I keep it hidden away and always use the same small stocking-shaped pad of paper, so I can also look back at each year.  I also try to keep it positive--instead of "don't do this", I think of what I'll do instead.
 Yesterday was Matthew's birthday.  I had a hard time getting him to say what he wanted to do last night--eat out?  where?  At one point, he told me he was going to cook.  Then it was dinner out and a movie.  Then walk down the street to Cafe Gibraltar.  Sushi?  Movie?  Nothing?  It made me think about how hard it is to say what we really want.  I do the same hoping he'll figure it out on his own.  I also wonder if he was disappointed his son didn't drop by at some point during the day.  He called on his way to work, but hey, he drove down highway 1 and was within 1/4 mile of our house.  He could have come over for 5 minutes to give his father a hug.   It's not like Matthew hasn't been there for him through thick and thin.
 By midday yesterday, I finally tried for reservations at Gibraltar, but as I thought would happen, they had only very early or very late times available.  So Matthew agreed on sushi.  I decided not to mention I'd been there the night before with 2 friends from the Thurs. night knitting group.   I didn't even pick up the was his night to order anything he wanted.  And wouldn't you know, he ordered several things we'd never had together before--and one of them was the roll I had the previous night with Michele!  I still didn't tell him till half way through the meal.  Dinner was good, and he was happy with the gifts I bought for him, so the day ended on an up note. 
 Today, the last of the year, is a good one for cleaning up loose ends--the office remodel, my inventory from Savvy Skirts, a few necklaces sitting here that need findings, paperwork for Wise Woman Weaves, etc.  And then starting the new calendar, a new jewelry business program Terri recommended, some organizing...and exercise.  Lots to do...I'd better make a list, so I can check off what I do and feel accomplished.
This is from last year's trunk show at Savvy Skirts, which just closed at Harbor Shoppes.  Sheri returned all my inventory yesterday, which was bittersweet.  I know she's planning on reopening in a better location later in 2012, so I hope to continue our relationship.  She's awesome to work with and did a fabulous job with the shop--so I'll look forward to April.  Her energy inspires me!
  Time to start working on that list.  I'll start by writing it....


  1. I agree that it was a year where we just couldn't get much traction toward the positive. I'm hopeful 2012 is different. We don't need wild success, just some hope that things will improve - for our friends and family and for ourselves. I am appreciative of everyone who is reflecting telling the truth rather than sugar-coating it. It says we are done with what has been, and ready to move on. Harbor Shoppes will hopefully start doing well in 2012 to signal the economy turning around, and my brother in law will find a great new job after being laid off for a second time in 3 years.

  2. One of the best things that happened this past year was Bad Art Night! It brought...oh wait, I should write a blog about this :-)


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