Yesterday's show

The sun came through the fog yesterday for awhile at La Nebbia for our show.  I had a fun day--met and talked to many people and even sold a few things   Before the show even started, a family showed up and I started talking to the son who is in his early 30's.  He had a southern accent, turned out he's from Birmingham, so I told him I lived in the suburbs with a relative for about 6 months years ago...and he was from the same suburb.   Then I mentioned my cousin's husand being rabbi in a small town, and he is also Jewish.  Turns out someone Bruce and I met  when we were there together about 15 years ago was the best man at his grandmother's wedding!  So he walked me over to the car to introduce me to her, and she also remembers my cousin Ann!  They didn't know each other well, but she knew of her years ago.  Such a small world.
  I got to use the big tent so didn't have to schlepp my canopy and sand bags.  What a treat!  I like the way I used the space, which turned out to be a double spot since no one else wanted to be inside.

Then this morning I got an email from the people who are heading the fine arts division at the fair and they said I have a ribbon on a piece of jewely at the show!  They didn't say what color--but it's 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, not just honorable menton.  And I don't want to minimize honorable menton ribbons since I appear to have one on my weaving.  Sandy Halpin, who got Best of Show in the textile dept took, pictures and posted on FB, so I saw the ribbon.  I'm hoping to get there early in the week....especially now. 


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