Ribbons at the Fair

 Okay, so it's not like winning an academy award or emmy...but I did get ribbons on everything I submitted, so that's not chopped liver, either.   What an old expression....
  I was going to submit just my jewelry, but Matthew suggested I do more since I had to schlepp it over and pick it up, so I entered 1 knitting project and 4 weavings.  I got an honorable mention on one necklace and on my woven clutch purse.  Below is my cocoon, which they didn't hang as they told me they would--I hate seeing weaving all bundled up when it's something wearable.  I was going to complain to the woman who heads the home arts section of the fair, but didn't see her there.  But the cocoon took a 2nd place ribbon.

I like my foot in the shot...cute.  These pictures were awful between the glass and the lighting...
You can barely tell what this is--it's my rayon chenille striped scarf with a small row of beads...and it has a 2nd place ribbon too.

I love this ribbon...also 2nd place for my crocheted wire freshwater pearl necklace. Now THAT'S a ribbon!  I think I ended up with 3 2nd places and 1 third place ribbon for my knitted hat and 3 ribbons for honorable mention.  As Dad would have said, "It's better than a kick in the ass."   He always had the best sayings.


  1. I know a artist Rock Star!
    Your fan Penny

  2. Congratulations!! Beautiful work! I especially love your weavings. This is something I have always wanted to do. What an honor Patt, you should be really proud of your creative talents. ;-)

  3. Your scarves are wonderful! Gorgeous colors!


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