On the Road Again....

Today, Thurs, we headed to some nearby towns since we haven't seen that much of what's right here. It was really fun to see the area and walk around. We ate lunch at a place recommended by one of our books, but they didn't have the dish mentioned in the book—artichoke lasagna, which is what I was wanting. I had the ravioli with spinach and ricotta and Matthew had the pasta with pigeon and boar in a sauce. Both were delicious, but I swear something hit me—like did they lace my lunch with sleeping drugs? I couldn't keep my eyes open. We headed to another town, and I missed most of the landscape because my eyes refused to stay open! We did end up in a really cool hill town—actually two—but the last one we read about has a restaurant with a Cordon-Bleu trained chef, so we made reservations for dinner tonight. Yeah, I know...we're all about food.
Dinner was good, but now I want to swear off food for the rest of the trip. Or until we go to Siena tomorrow and find the best pasta we had 9 years ago in all of Italy. I can hope he's on vacation and can skip all meals....


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