I hate cobblestone streets. I've always hated them...the first time in the 80's watching Parisian women in high heels walk naturally across them as I gingerly made my way in my sensible shoes. I've never understood how to maneuver them gracefully. That being said... Here we are in Ajijic, Mexico for the first of 3 trips in the next year for Matthew's extensive (and far less expensive) dental work. The town is supposed to be charming, though we got in around 6 pm yesterday so couldn't see much. We walked to the closest restaurant the hotel told us about for dinner around 7:30, and what I noticed were the cobblestone streets and broken sidewalks that ended abruptly. It's's always like this, especially when we first arrive. It takes a little getting used to--the streets often look like crap, but once inside the walls of La Mision a beautiful decor greeted us....tables surrounding a dropped stage area where 2 men played stringed instrume...
Happy to see that it looks like you might have tiptoed through them!