Out of the Camps

We left the Serengeti and are now at Ngorongoro Conservation area. We saw the Olduvai Gorge today and saw amazing artifacts that made Matthew drool, including Lucy, whom I remember hearing about when she was discovered in the '60's. She was tiny. I felt a little better today, but by the end of the day, after being in the dusty car ride from 6:24am till almost 6pm, I was ready to lose it. Also physically...I raced into the bathroom at the hotel as soon as I could. The next few days will be shorter--Adam has figured out we don't like the long car rides. He only had to see my face around 3:00 to know that.
So since we have better Internet, I'm mainly posting some pictures with captions tonight. If you're interested in where we're staying, which has a phenomenal view, look up Serena Lodge on the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater.

Outdoor shower at the Kubu Kubu Camp--looks awesome except when a breeze blows the water off you and you freeze.

Beautiful view from our tent. I heard a snuffling sound last night which Adam said was an antelope. 

Great expression!

I had to put at least one wildebeest in here after seeing thousands. It is cool how they migrate by first joining forces and meeting all together. They're very powerful animals. Ugly, but powerful.

This was foreplay.

And this last about 20 seconds at most, then the female growls and swipes at him to get off. Once he's off, she lies back down in submission to show she really knows who's boss. (her, of course)

Lots of beautiful birds here...

We've seen many lions, but this was our in a tree. She was beautiful. Yesterday we saw a leopard and her 8 month old cub in a tree, but in the distance. We used binoculars to watch them. After all these years, I'm still the 'cat lady.'


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