Colors of Mexico Inspire Me

 Today I realized I've neglected my blog since February, when we were in Ajijic the first time. We returned in Sept, but I didn't write even though I took pictures and wanted to do a Colors of Mexico blog.
 We stayed in a neighborhood on the east side of town called La Floresta, which was lovely large private homes. We were in a casita, small apartment, above a home there. The one-bedroom apartment was perfect for us and in walking distance of good restaurants and the Wed. market.
 Best of all, I managed to walk on those awful cobbled streets without hurting myself this time. In January, my toe missed a small curb and I fell, not realizing I'd broken my foot for 2 months. I've joked that in Sept, I was so cautious, I never looked up when walking and burned the back of my neck! But the truth is, I often stopped and shot photos because the colors of Mexico are the most vibrant and beautiful. I think they inspire my art:

A house from the neighborhood--even in an upscale area, houses can have great colors. 

A favorite from a walk--house had every color imaginable on it. Somehow it works here.

I started ice-dyeing silk and other natural fibers about a year ago.
Color color color...


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