Habitat Work

  A follow-up to last month's post about working and creating in Sonora. I brought several of my mother's old silk scarves for Nuno felting...which means adding fiber to felt onto an existing piece of silk to enhance it. The first two pictures are the front where I put the fiber only in the center of the purple scarf (the blue towel underneath it detracts from the pic) and the third one shows the other side which covers most of the silk.

Dried and finished pieces:

 I read about a technique that intrigued me, so I bought some new tools and tried it for this month's project in the warmth of Sonora. A frame is created with wire, then hammered. Then beads are added and wrapped along the sides. These are heavier than I personally wear, but they're not so heavy others wouldn't like them.  
 I'm back in the fog, but since these are another good "indoor sport," I've made two more frames to hammer and bead. I also wove a fiber and beaded bracelet that needs finishing. 

Love retirement! 


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