We Saved a Fawn But Ouch!
Sitting outside during dinner hearing a strange cry we think is some odd bird noise. But after at least an hour, I went in and looked out the laundry room window and saw one of the twin fawns stuck inside the arena with his mom and sibling on the other side of the wire fence. He was pacing, trying to find an opening and crying. Then the doe and her fawn walked off leaving him.
Normal response? To brush them off, of course. Apparently each sticker has a sharp little needle-like barbs that burrows into your skin so we ended up not only with these things stuck to our shoes, socks, pants, tops, but also a part of them in our hands. A few even went through my top and into my bra. It's now 24 hours later and my hands are finally back to normal and not hurting every time I touch something.
I hope to get someone to eradicate those very soon...needless to say.
This was just off the laces...rubber gloves worked!
I'd like to say this story has a happy ending, but I'm still hoping the mother doe returns to fetch her youngster. He bounded off into our hillside last night, literally jumping and leaping straight up as he ran, but his mother was in the opposite direction and they haven't yet reunited. Sorry, Alisa...I'm watching him right now eating near the tree. He just saw another female approaching and did his leaping run towards her, but when he got close, realized it wasn't Mom, so he's back on his own. He isn't crying and doesn't seem afraid (or thirsty), so I assume he's okay for now.
Last night's dinner:
Glad we found out how good pizza on the grill is since we don't have the wood stove here (yet).
The night before we -- he -- roasted a turkey bought at the Diestel turkey ranch about 25 min. from here. They had 7 lb frozen turkeys there, so we indulged and kept it in our freezer waiting for a group larger than the two of us. It was quite good and now that Matthew's leaving for the week, I have leftover turkey, pizza, and whatever. I won't starve...not that I was worried. I did prove myself able to handle the kitchen for 5 weeks after his surgery.
I hope you didn't think I was going to say we had venison.....
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