I Never Said I Was A Poet

Back when I was young and frilly, I wrote down poems some thought were silly,
But persist I did and to some degree, my friends learned more about the real me.
Now we're heading to another year, so I've decided to put aside my fears 
To write in rhyme when the feeling hits, and find pictures that might even fit.
I'm glad to see this year end, with promises of one to commend;
2012 was just all right, though I reached some goals-- looking in hindsight.

I did my art almost everyday--knit and weave and with beads did play;
Two open studios this year for us, though chairing twice was too much fuss.
New CoCA goals this year we'll set, and some new members I know we'll get
More shows we'll do to strut our stuff till everyone feels they've sold enough.

Some things came to an end this year, like my tenants left and my condo's clear. 
That's not good news-- meant much to be done, I worked on it without much fun. 
New frig, new paint, new light,  new stove....but no new tenant has come to Cove.

Instead of stress and worry and squeal, I went out and bought new wheels.
I've joined the hybrids on the road, the color's sea glass I am told.

The Prius isn't too unique, but individuality (this time) I did not seek.
Driving now is such a joy--I like having my new toy.  
Good thing for me since husband dear unable to drive at the end of the year.
An ankle sprained, a fracture as well, if he needs surgery, I'll know I'm in hell.
Not just driving will I have to do, but me in the kitchen will just never do.
The good news is, we just might lose a pound or two.

We did less travel than in the past, three weeks in Malaysia we did last.
Hotter than hell, but lots to see, next time a trip that's easier on me.
Maybe to Paris and more of France, good food, and wine, and the can- can dance!  
Our list for travel is still long, plus for 13's holidays, we'll be gone...
Some place warm with fewer Christmas songs.

One hope I have for the coming year is I keep blogging with less fear,
And get more people to read and write--respond  to me when the feeling is right.  Add your comment, if you dare, to me me know that you've been here. 
Oh, and have a Happy new year!


  1. Hi Patt,

    I was here, and I love your poem-blog! Yes, this would be a great holiday-type, end-of the-year letter IF you in fact ever did that kind of thing...LOL!

    xo Lyla

  2. Yes, I too was here my dear.
    To read and to rhyme,
    because I have some time.

    With all of the hustle and bustle of the winter celebrations
    we haven't much time to enjoy making our creations.

    I wish you a joyous new year,
    and look forward to the day when our schedules clear,
    So we can enjoy some time together, creating and planing a successful year.

  3. Hey you're a poet and now I know it!


  4. i read everything you post.

    happy happy new year my friend.


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