Fond Memories of the Condo Waiting for New Ones

 The condo is finally finished--the new giant refrigerator arrived last week.  Everything looks pristine, if you like white and beige.  It killed me to paint everything white and buy beige carpets, but tenants (and maybe most people other than my artist friends) like neutral colors.  It reminds me of when I worked in the Women's Tailored department at Nordstrom's in 1990, and a woman came in to buy a gray suit and wanted a white button-down shirt with it.  I kept trying to sell her a colorful scarf to add to the ensemble....I could never understand or relate to being so colorless.
  I took new pictures of the condo when I was there and have had a couple of responses from Craigslist, so here's hoping I find a great tenant soon.
I'm still looking for someone to buy the microwave that didn't fit here...

 I used to love sitting out here reading on sunny days.  The trees have really grown, so it's a beautiful setting and fairly private considering it's ground floor.
 Hard to see how large the master bedroom is--I had a platform king-size bed with attached nightstands and two large armoires in here and still had plenty of room!
 View from the entry into the living and dining rooms.
 Fountain right outside the entry.  The fenced-in patio on the right is off the master bedroom.
 The landscaping has been well maintained.


  1. Oh, the dreaded white walls. Just think how wild a tenant could get accessories without any worries about clashing. When we sold our house the buyers removed the hand-crafted built in cabinets and painted both the wood and brick fireplaces white! Not everyone can appreciate color.


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