Give it 24 hours...and remember you're not in the US

 I was more than a little disappointed in my pedicure. I didn't think to ask what it included since every one I've ever had includes a foot and leg massage, which I really wanted and needed., This one did not. She spent an hour working on my nails, not my feet. The room itself was a regular hotel room, which still has much of its furnishings, though thankfully no bed. She put on cartoons for me to watch while I soaked my feet in a bowl she brought in from the bathroom. She cut the nails short, then filed them which hurt because she left nothing to file. Then she added polish and spent much time with remover on an orange stick with cotton removing the excess on my feet. When she was out of the room and I was soaking, I got a few shots in of the room, but you just can't tell I'm watching cartoons. At least I now have turquoise toes.

Last night we had dinner at the Indian restaurant here because although the food looked good at the Carousel restaurant, it was Italian night.  We thought that would be a little odd to come to Malaysia and have Italian our first night.  But Indian isn't my favorite and it was just okay for my tastes.  Almost immediately after eating, jet lag hit me and I felt like I could pass out at the table. I fell asleep several times before we got our check, so we headed back to our room and I was in bed and asleep by 9:30. 
 We both slept pretty late, waking and returning to sleep till after 8. I never sleep or stay in bed that long, but hopefully I've now beaten jet lag.
  We called down to ask the hours for breakfast and if it was included; they told us the buffet in the Carousel was open till 10:30. We had a nice breakfast with many hot dishes from India and Malaysia, plus eggs cooked any way you want. As we left, we asked if we needed to sign anything and were told it wasn't included in our room, though we do get 20% off....and it's $25 for breakfast! Not so sure we'll do that everyday, but not sure where else to go.
breakfast with vegetarian noodles and roti from India and scrambled eggs cooked to order and
  Went to the front desk to ask why we didn't get a renovated room and were told WE DID GET A RENOVATED ROOM! Now that was a surprise, so she asked what the problems are and we told her our shower and toilet leak and the lamp doesn't work and seems to not have a power switch. She said she'd send someone up and he came at 4:30 today and put in a new bulb, which works with the power control at the bedside panel. As for the floor, he gave us a towel and said it was too much to fix right now with what they'd have to do. The rest of the room is fine since we don't want to use the refrigerator, which is warmish. We do get 2 bottles of water daily and can ask for more, which is good because the water is definitely not something we should use for brushing our teeth. Oh, did I neglect to mention that I did just that the first day? I think I'll live, but I won't push that envelope again.
We decided to try the water taxi which takes people across the lake to the Mines Resort Mall. By the time we got ready, it was after 1, and the taxi leaves every 30 min. It's really beautiful on the lake. Catfish can be seen from the dock—they're huge! And as you move through the water, you see jumping fish and cool birds like herons and egrets along the way.

The mall is a mall, except this one has water taxis that arrive on the ground level.  Ours let us off at the Mines Resort since it's part of the same complex, then we walked down and around to get to the mall.  These taxis come from another direction.    
They have many food places and small shops and then one large grocery store called Giant.   
 It was huge and clean and fun to browse in just to see what they have. We didn't buy much except for sunglasses for $5 each and some baby powder. Oh, and frozen yogurt at a self-serve place that had interesting flavors like green apple and soursop.

I find I'm fascinated by women in their headscarves. We've seen many varieties, including some full-length burkas. One young couple at breakfast today was a man in shorts and a wife in full burka with just her eyes showing. I kept sneaking glances to see how she was going to eat.
I offered to take a photo of 3 women who were all dressed in pink and black, so we got to talking. They explained they were in a large group celebrating Mother's Day and the theme was to wear pink. They were all so cute, they shook my hand and thanked me, then wished me happy Mother's Day. 
Random signs:


  1. Makes me homesick for that part of the world, though I have to say, not much is recognizable... last time we were in KL?... 1980!
    Enjoy! Teri makasi banyak for the post.


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