I was interviewed a couple of months ago by Wendy Andary who had been hired by CoastViews Magazine to do a story on me.  I never did find out how they heard of me, but am always open to spreading the word about Colony of Coastside Artists and what we do.  Oh, and open to spreading the word about my own work as well, of course!
  Wendy's writing is so awesome, after reading what she wrote, I wanted to buy my own work!  The article can be found here:
  We're in the midst of planning a May open studios, so I've been busy with emails and decisions for the past 2 weeks.  Each time, we hope to grow and add more, especially in advertising.  I want the group to think globally, which means get off the coast and over to other areas away from here.   We have so many talented people and such an awesome area to visit.  We'll be very busy that weekend with Gathering of Women also showing on Sat. in Montara and an art walk on Main St. on Sunday!  We must have 50 artists showing and selling art those days!
  I'm still gearing up to start an store.  I wish I had someone just show up and help me take the pictures and write the copy for each item.  I have plenty of inventory since Savvy Skirts closed at the Harbour (opening again elsewhere in a few months), so that's not an issue.   Maybe I'll make that next week's goal.  This week, it's all about open studios and travel planning. trip plans in the works, so get ready.


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