Pictures from Peru

Dyeing day in Chinchero at the weaving center...this was purple with cochinel, which are a fungus found on a specific cactus plant.
Notice I'm not lifting this heavy vat....but someone has to document and take the pictures.....

Some of the lunch prepared for us at Nilda', which I'd never had before, greens, favas, salad, tortillas, and a cuy came out also...guinea pig.  They eat their biggest meal at mid-day.  Below is us not following the tradition....eating a bigger dinner.
Fancy dinner enjoyed by about 8 of us at the restaurant where Matthew and Susan took a cooking class that day,  The food was excellent...I missed a picture of the alpaca carpaccio,which was my fave, and this pasta and curry dish weren't mine either.  Everything was so pretty and colorful, I took pictures of them all!  Below is my beef dinner with the two sauces and pasta.  
And just so you don't think all we do is eat....
Here I am trying my damnest to figure out what the Peruvians have done for centuries.  I never quite did.....
What can I say--it was Sunday night and Matthew wanted pizza!

In Chinchero at the ruins

This woman was in a weaving co-op and taught us how to make soap from a root they use and a cheese grater.

This is the big one--the reason so many come to Peru...Machu Picchu.  Amazing  place...fantastic.  And another thing to check off our bucket list.

The touring group...
 We sat here with the llamas for awhile just enjoying their company as they munched their lunch.  But then we got up to leave and my body had stiffened after all the climbing and I could barely make the hike back up!  But I did!  ok, I didn't go all the way to the very top...Matthew did it the day before so I'll just check out his pictures.
More later but wanted to get some pictures on the blog since the connections have been so slow.,  We leave tomorrow for Lima back to Milaflores where 3 us have a colonial tour and all the rest go on to Lake Titicaca.  Time to repack...again.


  1. Hi Patt,

    Jan has been forwarding me your blogs.

    Great Photos...some would make lovely paintings.

    Thanks for sharing. Be safe Love
    Susan (Giambruno)Polstra


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