What I'm doing lately

 Had a meeting with the Colony of Coastside Artists yesterday to discuss group shows.  Doug and I put together a list of responsibilities for shows so it doesn't (again) fall on a few to do all the work.    We gave a copy to everyone, then discussed what needs to be done.
 We're also planning on having dues for membership just to weed out those who aren't serious about being part of the group.  I have some issues about people who let everyone else do the planning and working, then show up for the 'party' and reap the rewards. 
Linda, Doug, and Kristina in Julie's living room.  The paintings behind them on the floor are Teresa's.  We always bring show and tell so others can see what we're working on.  I brought textiles and no jewelry--I haven't made anything new lately, which I need to rectify.
 I had to get a picture of Doug Brown looking dapper for work. 


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