pictures of costa rica....and commentary, of course

This is the view tonight just outside the house--in the forefront is the infinity pool and beyond is the fog coming in over the canyon from Dominical.  On a clear day, you can see the ocean...which we could see about 10 min. before the fog rolled in.  Still warm, but not too hot. 
The next shot is our visit to Bob and Bea's house tonight just as the sun went down.  Bea rescues animals and one she's had since he was 8 days old (just like our Farwell)....he's a kinkajou who sleeps in their closet during the day and comes out tonight for his buffet, which she prepares and sets out on the counter.  Our cats would be so jealous--they're never allowed on our counters!  He started by drinking some Coke, then went to his mixture of soy protein powder, vanilla, and some other ingredients, two plates of fruits, and some chicken pate.  She said he also likes salami.  He was quite taken with Matthew, but what kinky-Jew isn't?


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