Returning sun; Returning son

I decided to continue the blog when we returned from Italy, but haven't once sat down to write.  I now have so many distractions--knitting, weaving, jewelry projects, TV, phone, working in the sun--that keeps me from sitting and writing.  I will try to write at least once a week, which will also encourage me to add photos of what's happening and what I'm currently creating.  Oh, and so what have I given up today to write:  Pilates.  uh oh.  I'll get on the stairmaster downstairs before I shower so I at least do something aerobic this morning.
 I gardened a little yesterday and also picked many pears from our tree.  We have about 4 varieties, but bartlett is my favorite.  They're crunchy and very flavorful. 
 This picture is for Ingrid--she gave me this plant 9 years ago from her garden in memory of my sister Marianne.  I planted a memorial bed for her with plants people had given me after she died, and this one surprises me every year when it returns and blooms.
The rest of the bed is looking pretty drab--I've neglected my gardening lately.  I'll get back to it.  The baby roses are still alive in there too, which are also 9 years old.
When in Italy, I purchases wire mesh ribbon for jewelry-making.  I tried knitting and crocheting with it, but I think it loses what makes it interesting, so here are a couple of pieces I've done with it so far:

The first one was made with the wider ribbon and the second one I used one of my knitted beads to see how they would work together.  I like the effect, but found it itchy when I wore it.  The wider one also itches, but it's not as noticeable. 
 Matthew's son Julian returned to the coast last week.  I haven't spent much time around him, so it's been interesting to have him here.  He detailed our cars last weekend---my poor car had been so neglected.  He did a good job, so I've been mentioning it to friends around here in case they'd like to give him some work.  It would be great for him to earn some money since he hasn't started job hunting yet.  Matthew's teaching him to cook, so they made meatballs on Tues. when I was at Cache Creek and tonight the three of us are making ravioli.  I'll try to get some pictures...which encourages me to get back to the blog when I have something to show for it.
 I never thought I'd do a blog....


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