How I Made it Rain and The Little Cabin that Isn't

Last week we heard an unusual sound--loud, booming thunder and a bright, close-by lightening flash. I'd been sound asleep and it woke me at 4:30 with one thought: "Oh, no! The old/new wood sideboard is in the pick-up truck! We had purchased it a few days before, covered it with a tarp, and left it in the truck because it's very heavy, we had no place to leave it, and it was heading for our new house in Sonora the following week. When we left it in front of the house, we knew it was safe because we are in a drought and have had no rain for months and months. I had a hard time going back to sleep, even after Matthew reminded me there was nothing I could do. More thunder than I've ever heard on the coast and rain that poured down, though not for long durations. Miraculously, the piece survived with just a little water on the backside, which dried with the day's sun after it was uncovered and upright. When people talked about t...