Sharing Memories and Eating from the Garden

Last night Judith came for dinner and mahjongg. It was our first regularly-scheduled maj night since Larry died, so very poignant. Our last date was supposed to be February 16, but he was in the hospital. As I set up table and got out the set, I started feeling melancholy, and tried not to let my emotions overwhelm me. I haven't written about losing our dear friend Larry because I feel it is private. I did post his obituary so our former students would know. I still do not want to use the blog to write about my feelings, but will say we miss him very much. As a couple, they were our role models, and she continues to be a role model now. Judith is a remarkable woman. One thing we always enjoyed with our friends was hearing their stories of their 52+ years together which kept us laughing. We have since added our own stories after traveling and spending much time together, and enjoy the memories we've created. L...