I write more when I travel....

I think pictures motivate me to write, so consequently, no pictures, no blog. I have some new ones Doug took of my work. I'll use them for Open Studios (Nov. 19 & 20) and maybe for new business cards. I'm not sure about them as yet.... Do they show enough? too much? The yellow necklace is part of my tribal series, but yellow is so not my favorite color. They'll definitely work for the upcoming show, but not sure about cards. I recently took a Zentangle class, which was so much fun. I then signed up for a daily Zentangle to be sent via email, so have been drawing designs almost daily. They're quite addicting, but then again, what isn't? I seem to find more things to do with my time that I enjoy. This is not a bad thing... Our CoCA group is getting ready for Open Studios in November. I'm showing at Chris Ridgway's home in HMB. He's an architect and his home is very unique....